Thursday, April 14, 2011

Bargain shopping!

I was looking for some earrings with feathers on them. I was prepared to pay like $5 or $6... but I found some really cute and simple ones for $1! I wanted them black and gray, but for a dollar I can't complain.

My mom laughed at me when she saw the earrings. Parent just don't understand! lol

Then I went to pay my cellphone bill and the had some covers on sale. I got two for $1.99 each, originally priced for around $19.99. I really needed one. I got black and clear.

*this is a pic from eBay. I forgot to take
a pic before opening it.*


  1. tremendo! jajajaja
    no se de que area eres, pero si estuvieras cerca de Los Outlets en Canovanas, hay una joyeria que tiene una pared de techo a piso llena de pantallas y otros accesorios bellos, entre ellos pantallas con plumitas en cuanto color te imagines, y la mayoria en $1 y $1.99

  2. me quedan lejito... vivo cerca de Guaynabo. estas las compre en una tiendida de muchas cositas q abrieron nueva en Montehiedra. no se el nombre. todavia quisiera un par color negro asi q si las ves por el area de aca me avisas. jajaja
